Welcome to Goddess Creative, I’m Jule, a holistic Intuitive practitioner Coach & author.
I am first and foremost passionate about spirituality and keeping a raised vibration. Navigating life’s highs and lows with grace and strength. Most recent work has been writing books on this. I have intuitively read Cryptocurrency for the last Seven years and did predict the rise and fall of it in the last market. The focus was Cryptocurrency in 2020 and I have helped many through pandemic situation at the time, to be able to make gains, pay mortgages and just survive financially. Any of you following my Youtube channel would have been following my work and did make the great gains then. My conversations with Spirit have been correct thus far! Again with the drop prediction I had for the end of 2021 was also correct. However my Guides have been also wanting me to focus on assisting those whom I can, get through this health situation. This was a strong desire for 2022 as I have also been getting many will have health issues with the unfolding of what’s been forced upon us. I have studied and extended my knowledge with Quantum Energy healing through use of Scalar Meta Therapy Rife. Giving recovery back to full whole health again.
The new dawn is here
Welcome 2024
The focus now at the moment for this next run, starting 2024 is back on to the financial markets this year as we ready ourselves for this next run I have been expecting. 2024 herolds in a brand new Energy and a brand new way of being. This year brings with it great opportunity to build great wealth or at least shift towards creating a much brighter future both Energetically and financially. I personally believe Knowledge and Sovereignty is power, so all my readings come from a high connection to Spirit, Universal Energy and higher-self knowledge which is often channelled.
We are at the precipice of an amazing opportunity again. A shift in wealth many have been waiting as the old system breaks down waiting for the new dawn. Ask yourself where do you want to stand both spiritually and financially at this new dawn? Answer. Most want the wealth but don’t know how to Energetically hold on to wealth because of their unchanged vibration. Solution: Shift your Vibration Energetically and manage your Abundance to further fruition, its the natural expansion of life. Allow the gates to flow open as they will with this next bull-run lasting through 2026. If you are new to my work click on Youtube channels above and watch my work to take advantage of my knowledge.
My wish for you and why I deliver my work – So you will allow growth within to allow the Universal flow of abundance and love to open you to receiving all that is. Allowing you to give, create and manifest a better world for all!
Blessed be always, Jule
Learn more here
There is 2 types of Full Altcoin request readings I do. Both come with a Tarot reading & Spirit predicted prices in certain timelines. There is also No.3 which is Re-Reads.
- Is a reading looking at the whole life of a altcoin project. Read in yearly timeframe. Here
- Is a shorter timeline 18 mths of a Altcoin project. Usually quarterly prices for 1.5 years. Here
- Pre-Read projects. These are projects I have already read to date. They are cheaper because I have already done all the hardwork on them. The prices get rechecked with Spirit before being sent to you.There is 2 types of Pre-Reads available – Pre-Read Altcoin yearly & Pre-Read Quarter yearly Altcoin read.
Let me know if I can assist you with a reading. My readings are ordered here Then sent to you via email with a video recording format.
I am now taking bookings for Personal Crypto Currency Portfolio readings. For more information here
Empowered Meditation is a powerful direct practice guiding and teaching you how to connect to your Higher-Self. This is a technique developed and used by myself for many years. Its through this practice I became intuitively more psychic, grounded and whole. I teach this in workshops, retreats, by audios and my books.
For many people this the first time they really realize and sense the connection of their true Higher-selves, their divine empowered self.
Experience a Quantum Energy Meta Therapy session. These are done via zoom and we get to look inside the body to see exactly what is ailing you. This is amazing Quantum Meta therapy technology which uses Scalar & Rife to treat and heal. For more details here.
Retraining the mind audios & guided Empowered meditations to stop learned behaviours & remove negative blocks, replacing them with that which you really desire. Read more.
Soul regression therapy, Beyond Quantum Healing are modalites that go to past lives, between lives and futures lives to gain you own first-hand knowledge and experience of the spiritual realms.
With my extensive, experienced knowledge & understanding of the Law of Attraction as an LOA coach for over 20 yrs along with the understanding of quantum Energy. It is Quantum Energy on all levels that will help us transcend this Earthly Matrix experience we are all currently going through.
WHY? Because we are all ENERGY, Frequency & Vibration
Ask yourself – What are you transmitting?
Is it LOVE, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, WEALTH in all its glory in all forms, every aspect?
Change your vibration on all levels. I have spent my life dedicated to this work. My knowledge to change Energy for better attraction is powerful. I work on the Quantum level of Body, Mind and Spiritual. Which brings about faster concrete change & Empowerment than ever before.