Welcome Platinum Soul Members

Welcome Platinum Soul Member!

We are blessed to have you join us on this Crypto journey as a Platinum Soul Member. May this be our year of uplifting growth abundance in all area’s of our lives. So we can truly unfold to our full potential where finances will not limit us any longer. Let abundance flow in health, wealth, love, joy, and intuitive knowledge as we are always in appreciation of the allowing. As we choose to raise our vibrations to be in the flow to receive.

Lets begin with access to the Discord group here – Brand New to Discord – apparently the discord links expire every 7 days for security reasons. Here is the newest one – https://discord.gg/x8mwYcfA

 Already a Discord Member – https://discord.gg/Dx3WD4uY once you are in Discord with that link – you need to add my server – Goddess Creative

Warning Note* Please do not share this link with others or you will be removed from the group without a refund. Memberships and headcount are counted daily.

I would like to introduce you to Mel, she will be our Organizer within the group. She is very tech-savvy (She can build you a website if you like or fix yours.) and has been in and out of Crypto for a while. She is happy to be bought up to speed in everything Crypto.

We look forward to connecting further with you in our Discord chat group. It’s a place where like-minded connect. It is nice to share knowledge and the highs and lows of this crypto space to keep us grounded. Please note I will be in there in my spare time as time allows for me. Requests will only be answered for new Coin requests through the Coin Request channel/page within Discord. Please read the pinned instructions before requesting.

Hi All beautiful Souls, hope you are all well! Taking a look at CR 2 now in September for the ...
Hello All, hope you are all well! Ok, so when checking in this morning around the market. I get that ...
Hello All, hope you are all well! Ok, today will look at a couple of your requests – Kinesis Money ...
Ok would like to thank Serendipity for sharing regarding Pine Needle Tea – PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein ...
Taking a look at CR 1 Hi All, hope you are all well! Taking a look at the CR 1 ...
Hello All, hope you are all well! Ok, today will look at a few of your exchange requests – Continuing ...
Hello Beautiful Souls, hope you are all well! Wow well, I really hope you all can feel the exciting energy ...
Hi all, hope you are well. Today we start to look at some of the exchanges – Kucoin – This ...
Hi all, I have been researching some products and also asking Spirit about things to help our health with what’s ...
I’m taking another look at XDC and also QNT today. Quant - QNT Does it have Good Energy? = No ...
Hello all, being that it’s the 1st day of September I thought today should focus on the market for the ...
Hello All, hope you are all well! Ok, today will look at a few of your requests – LBank Exchange ...
Hi all, I have looked at wallets first as I know these are super important and some people may be ...
Hello all, Today and yesterday's work from Spirit has been dedicated to helping move through the vaccine without any health ...
Hi Everyone, hope you are well! Today having a look at some of the altcoins and wallets – Pillar – ...
Ok happy end of August everyone! How are we all doing? I hope you are all fine! Whilst we have ...
Hello All, hope you are all well! Lets have a look at these final coin requests. Dent for Shubee. 0.0061 ...
Hello all, Ok here are some of the last coin requests. I am pleased to be finishing these up as ...
Hello all, hope you are super well! The last coin requests for this week. You are welcome to give me ...
Hello, all beautiful Souls out there around the world! Quite amazing when you think about how we come from all ...
Hi Everyone, hope you are all well and vibing high! Ok looking at American Shiba – Ushiba for FloridaDeby.  This ...
Hello beautiful Souls, hope you are all well! Here are some Stable coin confirmations for ROSAD27 – Please note I ...
Well, hello Everyone, Hope you are all well! I still get we are in for an amazing run coming, this ...
Ok here is a clearer layout of the Altcoins from CR 2 and some others I added. Remember nothing is ...
This is a look at CR 2 alts the same way I did CR 1...............Not Financial advice, prices are never ...
Hi all, hope you are well! Today I am looking at XDC for you! XDC Network - XinFin XDC Is ...
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well! I have not meant to startle anyone with yesterday's post, you need ...
Hello beautiful Souls, welcome to August! How happy and excited we are to be in August, this energy seems clearer ...
This is the final of the coin requests for the week or 24th July. Bidao for EHHG Currently 0.0174 at ...
So today I ask again about BTC and don’t get it under 30k again. Still, a bit of drop from ...
Hi Beautiful Souls, Taking a look at AMP for JimmyZen AMP is currently 0.07 now at this read. ATH is ...
Spirit Meditation Chat 29th July 2021 So today another deep dive further into conversation with my guides. But this time ...
Spirit press 28th July 2021 Hell0 all, Well, much better productive day today I have had. Hope yours went/or is ...
Hello all, Ok well, I have been asking re the post I shared on Discord. If the ruling elite will ...
Hi Everyone, Here is the New Updated July Crypto Report 1 I have tried to make this as convenient and ...
Hi all, hope you are well! So I have been continuing to check the Crypto report 1 and I am ...
Thank you so much for your incredible support and upliftment of late. So, I checked the energy again today with ...
Ok, yesterday BTC dropped just under 30k and this triggered concern with what I was getting. As I have said ...
Hello Beautiful Souls, Hope you are all well and enjoyed your weekend! I have done a video to give more ...
This is a great project. Spirit does like the energy of it. I got yes very good Energy, a really ...
Hope you are all well! So today I have done a meditation exercise video for you all, I hope you ...
Hello all, hope this finds you all vibing high and positioned well for our upcoming movements in the market! Today ...
Hi all, Sorry, I have not posted in a few days, life has been exceedingly busy taking my attention to ...
Hello all, hope you are well! Ok having a look at Red Fox Labs for Star444 at the time of ...
Ok now I have ERTH token for you. This is courtesy of me, well a friend actually who bought it ...
Moontoken for Cemil is currently around 0.0000000067 This energy is O.K to medium. Is it a good investment? – No, ...
Hope you are all enjoyed your weekend! Especially that you got to get outside and ground your energy somewhere in ...
Hello, and happy July Beautiful Soul Members! As we go forward, I am feeling very optimistic that we are getting ...
Lets look at a few more Altcoins I read today – Difichain for Manoj Difichain decentralised blockchain platform - currently ...
Oh, dear we are back in lockdown here, not as bad as some of the world but none the less ...
Hi all, hope you are all well where you are! Looking at Hydra, Elongate and Ushiba today. Hydra today when ...
Hi All, hope you are well! Ok yesterday I forgot SafeMoon Cash – So, I am getting the same information ...
Hi all, hope you are handling well this time in the market. Whilst its not a joyus time like we ...
Yieldnodes is a UK company that a friend of mine put me on too. It uses Masternodes for earning interest ...
Finalising some altcoins from requests last week we have – Kyber Network – KNC I read Kyber network before but ...
Zap – ZAP 18th June 2021 Zap currently 0.071 today Spirit says yes Good Energy for ZAP Will be around ...
Wow what a bad flu this has been, really makes you appreciate good health when you are not experiencing it………………..Universes ...
Happy weekend everyone! Hope you are all well! Ok let’s have a look at some altcoin requests - GNBU Nimbus ...
Spirit press 10th June 2021 A little more information came in today regarding this high/run coming and then the drop ...
Taking a look at Bitcoin today as we are back down at the low 30’s again. Spirit says it won’t ...
Today I arrived back home to the Gold Coast with new puppy Zilly. Good to be home and still organizing ...
Hi all, its been lovely surprise my arrival in Sydney for my daughter. Its great to see her and her ...
Spirit Press 4th June 2021 Wow what a busy time it’s been for me, currently writing to you from in ...
Hi All, These are the final Altcoins from last weeks requests – The Graph – GRT at this look around ...
Lets look at – Yummy hmmmm not so Yummy! Currently 0.000049 Good Energy is undecided, Spirit would not give me ...
Hi All, Hope you are well! Well, I cashed out last night Aussie time of the Supermoon it had a ...
Hi Everyone, not sure if you can feel it or not but the Energy has shifted. Its weird, we have ...
Ethereum Currently only $2600 a big drop to where we were a week or so ago. ETH has good energy ...
Hi Everyone, hope you are well! I have just relocated to a hotel today, for my last week waiting for ...
Hi all, hope you are all feeling better now our market is recovering a little. Bit of a dent in ...
Kisha Inu – at this reading 0.00000001 Spirit did not like energy or give me much at all on this ...
Hi All, hope you are well, its not great to see most of our Alts i the red. But I ...
What am I looking for here, strength & price movement in a particular Altcoin for this week and going into ...
Update BTC 17th May and Alts requests Wow, how wrong was I with Bitcoin, which is why I do not ...
Ok, I am looking for in today's meditation anything coming up. Some drop/crash or something. Tried and pushed to find ...
Taking a look at – Ares Protocol – currently when looking at $0.23 short term this is O.K investment. Ok ...
Today from Spirit Wow! Gotta, thank you so much to those who send energy my way. Wow I really felt ...
Hot of Spirits Press 12th May Hi all, hope you are well! Been a whirlwind here, currently staying at a ...
Ok, reading for Crypterium - CRP this one when I read it yesterday was sitting at around about $0.29, spirit ...
So this morning I connected with my Lemurian light cancel, as a very blessed soul of Lemuria ancestry. So with ...
Hi Beautiful Souls, Hope you are all well and enjoying the Discord group connections! So much valuable gems in there ...
Message from Spirit & Jule 3rd May 2021 Hi Beautiful Souls, Ok one of my interests is world economics and ...
Note**** You join Discord in good faith you do not add anyone else or Share the link. Once Joined in ...
30th April 2021 Asking about drops or down markets, sorry I just do not get any at the moment. I ...
24th April 2021 Latest hot off Spirits press! We are down, don’t worry you should be filling your bags. I ...
Populous -PPT prices as follows – 2nd Q – $28, 3rd Q – $90, 4th Q $110 Litentry – LIT ...