Latest update March 2019
I just wanted to put my update out there as we have had so much amazing energy movements as of late, yes and it does all depend on the way you look at things, whether …
I just wanted to put my update out there as we have had so much amazing energy movements as of late, yes and it does all depend on the way you look at things, whether …
Feeling Amazing! Something has shifted this year and honestly, I have never felt so empowered, so in my divine purpose, so happy and so complete as I feel right now…… I have processed and moved …
Unlimited Being – As human beings, we have many dimensional levels but most of the time we are only focusing on one of them. Our body’s! We tend to think that’s all we are and …
A strong connection with SELF is the most powerful precious knowing in life. You don’t get it being around other people. Of course, it’s great to have others come into your life to grow, learn, …
Relationships and when you know you have to let go Talking today about the need to let certain relationships go out of your life. Whether it is love or friend relationships, I am a big …
I think it’s such a one-way stigma society puts on emotions. We love seeing them when we see them in a positive manner in a kind and loving way. Like when a couple is in …
Hi All, Just wanting to give an update…… I have been away for a long time as have been processing so much with this planetary energy the last few months. With the retrogrades and solar …
The 5 Tibetan Rite Exercises This post is about the 5 Tibetan Rites and why I love them so, I have already covered in the video below intro I did on them. However, I did want …
The importance of listening to your inner being Warning this content might be a bit R-18 Being aware of the imprints that come up when something that happens in your life triggers another memory to …
Now we have been raised to be guided by our parents to make good judgements in life. And yes a quality perhaps to be admired if a person has good judgement meaning they make the …