Examples below for exercise, weight, health, Wealth and business manifesting goals. These are just example ideas to get you started please add too and change as needed to define and fit your own goals.
So, for example, you can do just an exercise goal if you want to just work on health and fitness only. Or do both with weight and exercise.
Exercise + weight goal = daily totals for – exercise count? + Food count/quota? Add together for a weekly outcome?
Weight fitness Goal could look like –
Example week 1 goal – Exercise x 4/5/6 days per week broke into whatever your achievable goal is –
(3 x walk and 1 x hot yoga) (2 x 30 min gym/Bootcamp and 1 x 1.5km hike and team fitness)
Combined with Low carb food intake (no calorie count) No sugar or bread.
Repeat it for week 2 or change it up to increase your fitness and achieve your goals faster.
Health Goal could look like this –
Example week 1 goal – Exercise + Meditation x 6 days per week broke into whatever your achievable goal is –
(4 x walk on beach/bush/lake + 1 x yoga + 2 x meditation + 1 x chakra healing/clearing energy)
Combined with No alcohol + increase in my nutrient-rich foods intake. Could include also -affirmations/brain re-training especially if you are trying to overcome a major health problem.
Repeat it for week 2 or change it up to increase and achieve your goals faster.
Confidence/self-esteem Goal could look like this –
Example week 1 goal – Affirmations + creative visual Meditation x 6/7 days per week broke into whatever your achievable goal is –
(7 x daily affirmations/brain re-training + 1 x chakra healing Med (your own or free on this site)+ 1 x LOVE BODY meditation free on this site)
Combined with a self-kindness treat, pampering, exercise or treatment.
Repeat it for week 2 or change it up to increase and achieve your goals faster.
Natural Anti-depression/de-stress Goal could look like this –
Example week 1 goal – Affirmations + creative visual Meditation x 6/7 days per week broke into whatever your achievable goal is –
(7 x daily affirmations/brain re-training + 1 x chakra healing Med (your own or free on this site)+ 5/6 x basic meditation free on this site)
Combined with getting out in nature, walking on the beach and or sitting in nature, some days include light exercise. Pamper & treatment. Positive self-talk.
Repeat it for week 2 or change it up to increase and achieve your goals faster.
Abundance manifesting Goal could look like this – Note this could be for money flow from unknown sources.
Example week 1 goal – Appreciation + Meditation (brain re-training audio to play in the background or whilst sleeping) x 6 days per week broke into whatever your achievable goal is –
(7 days x affirmations brain re-training + daily positivity to lift vibration + 3 x creative visuals meditation + 1 x chakra healing/clearing energy so you can manifest abundantly)
Combined with being conscious of your current abundance of what is around you. Understanding the importance of that. Breaking through your abundance ceiling with the brain re-training. Being conscious of your goal and anything internal that may hinder it. Being a conscious thought monitor.
Repeat it for week 2 or change it up to increase and achieve your goals faster. Please note if you are having problems breaking through with this goal, it may be worth having a private session to talk personally about ways to overcome what is hindering.
Abundant Business manifesting Goal could look like this – Note this is easier to make manifest because it is easy for your mind to be accepting and allowing of the flow of abundance with the avenue it comes in from.
Example week 1 goal – Being in business joy & appreciation + brain re-training audio to play in the background or whilst sleeping x 6 days per week divided into whatever your achievable goal is –
(6/7 days x affirmations brain re-training for business abundance + daily business actions to boost productivity and abundance could be social marketing but need to define actions)
Combined with taking business actions and marketing. Defining your target market more accurately. Creative visual of your dream client. Breaking through your business abundance ceiling with the brain re-training. Being conscious of your goal and anything internal that may hinder it for example desperation instead of flow.
Repeat it for week 2 or change it up to increase and achieve your goals faster. Please note if you are having problems breaking through with this goal, it may be worth having a private session to talk personally about ways to overcome what is hindering.
Please NOTE* All of the above Could include -affirmations/brain re-training especially if you are trying to overcome a major problem or you want to guarantee change and achievement. Weight loss starts in the brain first, changing your thinking about yourself so you don’t sabotage your own efforts for example. For business, it could be the abundance creative visual that could benefit to break through your limited belief of a money ceiling for example.